A glimpse on CN-APELL RO

CN APELL – RO is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization registered in Romania. The Foundation’s aim is to enhance knowledge, awareness, participation and management of different stakeholders in what regards anthropogenic risk prevention and protection, response and mitigation methods and activities, as well as the promotion of environmental policies and strategies implementation, in the context of sustainable development.

CN APELL – RO objectives are:

• To educate, train and improve specialists in technological and natural risks assessment and emergency situations management; improvement of professional abilities, through qualifications, continuous professional training, exercises and technical support;

• To promote fundamental, technical-scientific, experimental and applicative research in the field of environmental protection; to set up and maintain databases regarding sites of economic operators that involve specific risks and hazards due to hazardous substances;

• To set up a work platform among local communities, economic stakeholders and competent authorities for emergency response, as a management tool in elaborating integrated response plans for emergency situations;

• Organization of conferences, workshops, roundtables and work groups for significant issues in the field of environmental assessment and emergency situations management;

• Editing publications, guides and other documents in the field of environmental protection, disaster and emergency situations management.

Besides IPA Floods and Fires, CN APELL -RO Foundation’s activites are:

•Group Leader and Organizer of  MODEX LOT 2 during 2015-2023 – founded  by the European – Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department for organizing exercises on civil protection modules, technical assistance and support teams and European Union civil protection teams consisting in  design, plan, conduct and evaluate field exercises for High Capacity Pumping, Water Purification, CBRN Detection and Sampling, Flood Rescue Using Boats, Flood Containment, Technical Assistance and Support Team (TAST) and experts of a European Union Civil Protection Team (EUCPT), Forest Fire Fighting modules.

To know more visit CN-APELL RO webpage: http://www.apell-euromodex.eu/

• From August 2018 CN APELL -RO is the coordinator of Exchange of Civil Protection Experts Programme, being supported by its consortium partner – the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations – IGSU, Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To know more visit: https://www.exchangeofexperts.eu/

• Implementation in Romania of the APELL Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level Programme, developed by UNEP;

• Partner in organizing the International Conference ELSEDIMA “Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management” since 2007 Webpage: http://elsedima.conference.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/home

  • Organizing training courses in Emergency Situations Management field.