Silvia Parisi

A glimpse on CN-APELL RO

CN APELL – RO is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization registered in Romania. The Foundation’s aim is to enhance knowledge, awareness, participation and management of different stakeholders in what regards anthropogenic risk prevention and protection, response and mitigation methods and activities, as well as the promotion of environmental policies and strategies implementation, in the


Updates from the EU Office to Kosovo*

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. During the 2022 the Kosovo authorities actively participated in the IPA FF events: the 2nd Host Nation Support & Border Crossing Regional Inter-Institutional Workshop, held in Sarajevo in late June


Bosnia-Herzegovia has become a full UCPM member

In April 2022 there was large-scale field civil protection exercise held in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the Regional IPA project ResponSEE. Civil protection forces that participated in the exercise were playing response to a massive earthquake. The event included the participation of professional civil protection units from both entities and Brcko District


Ongoing initiatives and projects in Montenegro

The Disaster Risk Assessment of Montenegro (NRA) was established in accordance with the European Commission’s Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management, with the support of DG ECHO to improve disaster risk reduction locally, have a positive effect on integration of risk reduction in policies, programs and plans, additionally strengthen and increase early warning


What do we talk about when we talk about IPA? The EU accession process

The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is how the EU has been supporting reforms in the enlargement region with financial and technical assistance since 2007. IPA funds build up the capacities of the beneficiaries throughout the accession process, resulting in progressive, positive developments in the region. Pre-accession funds are a sound investment into the future


Civil Protection in Kosovo*

Kosovo’s population of 1.9 million is exposed to both hydrometeorological and geological hazards: floods, heavy snowfalls, drought, forest fires, and earthquakes. Flash floods are common in mountainous areas, sometimes leading to mudslides. Kosovo is also exposed to landslides, particularly in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Prishtinë/Pristina, Peja/Pec, and Shtërpcë/Strpce. At least one quarter of the communities are vulnerable to


North Macedonia launches the single 112 European emergency call services

In occasion of the 31st anniversary of the 112 European emergency call services, on 11/2 2022, the Government of North Macedonia has made available the services also within its country. The project has received financial support by the European Union. 112 is a single European emergency number you can dial 24/7, free of charge, everywhere


Civil protection in Albania

Albania is a country in Southeast Europe exposed to many natural and man-made disasters. In the past, the most significant risks may have come from earthquakes, although recently, the country has experienced floods, landslides, and other hydrogeological emergencies, ranging from small to medium extent. Due to the economic situation, presence of infrastructures, few means of


EU project “Support to Implementation and Monitoring of Water Management in Montenegro” (November 2019 – ongoing)

The project Support to Implementation and Monitoring of Water Management in Montenegro is funded by the EU within the Annual Action Program 2016 for Montenegro and implemented by Eptisa Southeast Europe (RS) in consortium with EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria (ES) and SAFEGE (FRA). Main beneficiaries of the project are the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural


DIRECT – Disaster Resilient Communities and Towns

Between 2017 and 2019, an EU project named DIRECT –  Disaster Resilient Communities and Towns was conducted in Montenegro. The project DIRECT was funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission (DG ECHO) and implemented by FORS Montenegro ( and the Directorate for Emergency Management of the